Top Clients Questions About Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photorejuvenation Treatments

by | Oct 29, 2019 | Skin Anti Aging

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reported that Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photorejuvenation treatments are the second top non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures performed in the United States.

What is IPL photorejuvenation?

IPL is a medical aesthetic option for treating sun-induced changes on the face, including brown pigmentation, age spots, dermal atrophy associated with photoaging, broken blood vessels, as well as actinic keratoses, and nonmelanoma skin cancers. IPL may be used for these changes on the face, hands, neck and chest as well. It is safe, non-invasive and is tailored to the individual patient’s skin. IPL devices use multiple wavelengths of light.

Is IPL for any skin tone?

Skin tone is always a consideration for IPL-based photorejuvenation treatments. People with light to medium skin tones (Fitzpatrick Skin Types I-IV) typically have the best results. In contrast, individuals with darker or tanned skin have a higher risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation due to higher melanin concentrations in the skin. Valeriya Life’s staff always performs a small test patch in a discreet area before performing the first complete treatment to see how the client’s skin reacts.

Is IPL painful?

Our client comfort is a priority, and we always rely on communication during each treatment session. During the treatment, you can feel some stinging, similar in sensation to the snapping of a small rubber band against the skin. We also have our patients apply a numbing cream to the area at home or in the office 20-30 minutes prior to the treatment to make the treatment comfortable.

How is IPL performed?

First, we perform a skin complexion assessment with the use of advanced technology VISIA to obtain a highly refined visualization of sub-surface melanin and vascular conditions, to quantitatively analyze the extent of pigmented and vascular lesions, and to develop an individualized plan for maximum impact. Then, we clean the treatment area and apply a cool ultrasonic. We use dark glasses on both clients and staff to protect the eyes from the light. With the patient in a comfortable chair, the IPL applicator is gently applied to the skin and light pulses are applied. Individual treatment sessions are short, with a typical session averaging 15 to 20 minutes or longer, depending on which area is being treated.

intense pulsed light
Visia Skin Analysis At Valeriya Life

Is There a Downtime after IPL Treatment?

IPL “burns” pigments, for examples, in melanosomes, the cells that produce melanin and pigmented keratinocytes, resulting in their elimination as the microcrusts from the skin surface. Therefore, some brown spots may appear darker immediately after treatment and stay for a few days. With no downtime required post-treatment, you can return to your regular activities afterward, making it possible to schedule your sessions into lunch breaks, on your way home from work, or whenever is most convenient for you. You can also apply makeup immediately after IPL treatment if necessary.

How many treatments will I need?

The total number of treatments needed to reach a patient’s aesthetic goals vary by individual. In general, patients have a series of three to six treatments, approximately three weeks apart. Clients may require a touch-up session every three to six months following the completion of their initial treatment plan.

What is my skincare before and after IPL treatment?

It is important to protect your skin from the sun using a sunscreen daily. You should use a sensitive skin cleanser and moisturizer for about a week, then you can resume your normal skin care routine. To protect the healthy skin from a possible damage, we apply Venus Stem Cell Therapy Serum (SCT). SCT significantly decreases post-treatment inflammation.

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